Winnett Public Library
That’s a Triceratops head.
The Winnett public library is closed on Fridays, but I didn’t know that.
I went in the side door of the school and a guy in his twenties sitting in the Superintendent’s Office walked me down the hall to a room with books.
The librarian said it was closed. She was going through boxes on Winnett history - journals, ledgers, photos. When I asked if I could do some work, she set me up at her desk.
The librarian said that two months after she got the job as the Librarian’s Aid, the librarian died. That librarian had been here since 1994 and her mother had been here before that.
The new librarian said, “She had feet only this big.” She held her fingers an inch apart. “But she had big shoes to fill.”
And the old librarian, hushed voice, was a hoarder. The new librarian found minutes from a town council meeting from 1995 in the desk.
It will take years to organize this place.
She said, “Fill up one hand with wishes and the other hand with s—-, and see which one fills up faster.” She is the funniest librarian this season.
Craig Iverson stole Tom Steele’s glasses.