More Rain
Every landowner I speak to says they haven’t seen grass this big in years. And they all say last year was horrible.
Male Lark Bunting
Photo by Bruce Lyon
Lark Buntings fly over their territories, singing on their descent.
One Brown-headed Cowbird egg in this Lark Bunting nest.
Female Brown-headed Cowbird
Photo by Steve Byland
Female Brown-headed Cowbirds lay one egg at dawn for six days - in other birds’ nests. She usually chooses a smaller species. Her egg hatches sooner and her baby is bigger, so it gets more attention. She can make several clutches and lay 30 eggs in 1 summer.
The female Lark Bunting may throw the egg out, abandon the nest, build another nest on top, or raise the chick along with her own.
Male Brown-headed Cowbird
Photo by Steve Byland
Upland Sandpiper
Mourning Dove
Western Meadowlark
Dog Vomit Slime Mold
Grasshopper Sparrow
Common Nighthawk
Brewer’s Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow
Horned Lark
Found a Gadwell nest under this sagebrush.
Because she flew out as I walked by.
Male Gadwall
Females don’t have a black butt.
She joined a male on this lake.
Golden Banner
This landowner said they’ve had more rain in the last 3 days than they’ve had in the last year and a half.
So much rain that the Cheatgrass is tipping over from the weight of the water.
Greater Sage Grouse
My car is the silver spot in the middle left.