After the morning alder survey, we drove a half hour to a trailhead and backpacked straight up hill for an hour.
We camped in the mud next to Clayton Lake. Snow and cliffs everywhere.
There was a thunderstorm in the middle of the night. My bivvy leaked. My Goodwill sleeping bags sucked. No sleep.
In the morning, we split the survey like we had the day before. I took 3 points on one side of the creek, he started on the other side.
We planned to meet after 2 hours.
Clayton Lake
My first point was high on the mountain. It took me an hour to climb up there. Everything was wet and slippery.
Mountain Chickadee, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Western Tanager, Varied Thrush, Brown Creeper, American Robin, Dark-eyed Junco, Swainson’s Thrush, Townsend’s Solitaire, Fox Sparrow, Warbling Vireo, Red Squirrel, Dusky Flycatcher
Worried about being late, I hurried to get across the creek.
On the other side, there were snow fields separated by dense brush.
As I skated towards a point, I heard my partner, from a long way off, shout, “Grizzly!”
A Grizzly Bear came out of the bushes. I was eye-level with its hump. Its legs were wet. I shouted. It turned and headed up a draw.
I kept shouting. “Survey is cancelled!” My partner kept shouting. Eventually, he appeared out of the bushes.
He said the bear took off toward the creek. I said the one I saw took off up the draw. So there must have been two.
We re-crossed the creek, broke camp, and ran back down to the cars.
Fresh bear poop on the trail.
That was the last survey I will ever do in Montana.